Language opens the door to a different world and enables us to actively shape it. Through languages feelings, needs, questions, answers and thoughts can be conveyed. Targeted language support is therefore one of the most important tasks for supervisors of the Vielfalt Group.


Specifically, each employee uses only one language to communicate with the children. Children usually have innate communication skills. The bilingual specialists at the Vielfalt facilities therefore design the educational processes in such a way that they already offer fully-fledged language options for the development of language abilities in everyday life. During childcare, children have the opportunity to accept bilingual communication or to act in their own native language. This creates an individual and personal relationship with the day-care teachers, which strengthens the social and linguistic competence of the children. The children are encouraged to use a language according to their own needs and to independently seek contact with the teachers.

Multilingualism is offered in the facilities of the Vielfalt Group by native speakers, both in German and in the foreign language. At the same time, the playrooms with their children's books, toys and instruments are created bilingually. When it comes to language teaching, our employees also make sure that the right body language is used through gestures and facial expressions. Regular exercises should make the children more familiar with the foreign language more easily and sustainably. Educational teams have solid expertise in assessing and expanding children's communication skills and, if necessary, introducing appropriate supportive measures. For this purpose, they continuously document the linguistic development of each individual child. Following this, a review and evaluation of the methods used will be carried out.

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