Our Supervisory Board Members




Ruhr-University Bochum


Dr. Ahlfeld is a research assistant at the department of industrial sales engineering (ISE) at the faculty of mechanical engineering of the Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB). He leads the task force "technology and product management" and represents, in addition to basic sales psychology training and project management, the topics of product management as well as innovation and sales management in the bachelor program as well as the technology management in the master program of the subject "sales enginnering and product management".

As the vice chairman of the supervisory board, he is responsible for controlling and advising the executive board.

supervisory board member

Prof. Dr. Monika Burg

International School of Management (ISM)


Prof. Burg lectures on Human Resource Management and Controlling at the ISM Dortmund.

Her research focuses on the skills that professionals and leaders need to successfully master the challenges of a changing business world. She was Group Human Resources Manager of Douglas Holding AG and HR Director and Member of the executive board of C&A Mode KG.

As a supervisory board member she is responsible for controlling and advising the executive board.

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